Twitter Pools is Twitter Pools is a blog, which shuts the light oncurrent trends, technology, music, and especially theunusual items to be not missed. You can also answer our monthly pools to view real time trends. Twitter Pools have a for politics of proposing competitions to win technology High-Tech Hardware.
How does we decide who is the winner ?
To decide which person won the competition, we always make a draw, and our computers select one correct answer posted in the "comments" space. And if this person was selected by our computers, so she is the winner, and she gain the High-Tech gift.
To contact the winner, Twitter Pools intergrated to their servers and their website a system which publish the IP (IP Technology) of the author's comment. In conclusion, with this system, we can know who posted the comment, when and where. The IP is detected 3 times to make sure that no mistakes were made.
Who can participate to win the gift ? And what about the conditions of winning ?
All people around the world can compete by posting in the "comments" space. Twitter Pools do not give an advantage to a certain country or person. We respect all people, and no opportunity and advantage is given to any person. All the candidates have the same probability of winning. We always check that the IP Address is true, and if not this error will be automatically corrected by our systems.
How can "Twitter Pools" know if someone posted as "Anonymous"
Twitter Pools intergrated to their servers and their website a system which publish the IP (IP Technology) of the author's comment. In conclusion, with this system, we can know who posted the comment, when and where. The IP is detected 3 times to make sure that no mistakes were made. We always check that the IP Address is true, and if not this error will be automatically corrected by our systems.
Is the competition really true ?
Sure. And we can prove it by giving some pictures captured while the draw was taking place and we give details about the winner: Country, Date and Time posted, IP Address, Name...
Twitter Pools,
20 July, 2011.