Monday, July 18, 2011

Results of the competition: Who won the white 32GB iPhone 4 ?

Congratulations to "Anonymous" who posted a comment on our article and who will receive the 32GB white iPhone 4 proposed on July, 22.
Details of recognizing the person to give her the iPhone
Day posted: June 30, 2011
Time posted: 11:59
Place posted: US, New-York, NY.
Computer's IP:174.253.214.*

For more information, ask your questions on the "comment" space.

Jean-Luc Info and Twitter Pools will be presenting tomorrow an other competition, and the 3 winners will get a ChromeBook for each one ! Good Luck.

After noticing that some people refused to admit the results here are some picture taken while the draw was taking place:


  1. congratulations.. now im waiting for the chromebooks competion

  2. Wait wait i won i posted that and im not from the US ... im from Bulgaria !!!

  3. you got some wrong IP ! totaly

  4. and btw i posted tha how will ou know thig

  5. and one more thing you may think im a froud but i can prove it was me who posted it simply by applying a picture from my history of the browser to a email you give me, its incompetent to do things like this.

    P.S im waiting for a serious respose !

  6. i can even apply a video response

  7. you can check timezones too im writing this at 14:08 pm my country time your gettig it like 4:06 AM
    I wrote the winning comment at 21:59 and you got it in 11:59 exactly 10 hours check timezones too i want my reward pls this is the first time i win smth

  8. Hello,
    Your request and your comments were sent to the responsable team. Twitter Pools will answer to this request tomorrow.
    Regards, Sandra.
    From "Twitter Pools".

  9. Hello, we can give you an answer right now. First, how can you prove that the IP Address is from Bulgaria and not from the United States ? Second, we always check that the IP Address is true, and if not this error will be automatically corrected by our systems. Finally, we checked also in our "Comments private timeline", the timezone do not correspond to Bulgaria: The comment vas posted in the US at 11:59 (US Time). Noe, here are some details about the results:

    Country USA
    Date posted comment June 30, 2011
    Time posted comment 11:59
    IP Address 174.253.214.*
    State New-York, NY
    Name of the winner Pamela Maatouk
    Anonymous request Rejected

    However, you can participate to the next competition and have a chance to win 3 Chrome Books !
    Thanks for your comprehension

    Twitter Pools.

  10. you got a serious mistake dudes when i post i get your US time not mine try getting my IP now pls and tell me what comes out

  11. im posting this in 22:54 PM in my country you get it like 12;54

  12. i want an E-mail that i can send a picture for you to look into

  13. Look now cuz im from Bulgaria the east comunist block you think that we are green is it like that ? your getting something very wrong. You probably think that im from Bulgaria im not very smart let me tell you that what u just did is not very competent im totaly not good with it i can prove that it was me posting that comment. I thought America is a better country and probably if i was an American you would do something about looking more into it im not that rich . I want to connect to your boss. I want to tell him that i want someone to come to Bulgaria and be my guest to come at my house and see that i posted it AND + i am very angry you are being childish i want to contact someone in charge of this... or a manager .And i will make this public whit my own pictures and videos that i show the exact moment of the posting ...

    P.S i want to contact someone right away

  14. When you cant prove something dont do it ... its wrong how do i know you didnt do it on purpose and dont get me wrong im defending my rights of a user

  15. Hello,
    Please be aware that we call this a racist comment and it’s not respecting the conditions of use and it’s brutally trampling the rights of man. We certify that Twitter Pools does not consider any person according to their country, language, or the reputation of this country. The IP address is given before is again certified. For business contact, we suggest you to send a tweet to @jeanlucinfo account ( Any justification that can be faked, any changes will be categorically refused.
    To prove that the winner gain, we will publish tomorrow 3 pictures taken while the draw was taking place. (URL: “”)

  16. even if we lose, it's not so tragic ! let's go !!!

  17. @Anonymous (1:04) heeyyy! d'ont be angry! me too i didnt win!! :O

  18. Hello,
    We just posted some photos captured while the draw was taking place.
    Thank you.

  19. Hello Anonymous (1:04),
    We are writing right now a new page which explains the authenticity of our competition. The page will be published after few days.
    We decided to present a new competition (Win 3 Chrome Books):

  20. Here are the competitions authenticity:

  21. how we can win the chromebookkkkk !!???????????/


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